Simon Pegg's deadpan take on the George Romero classic of a similar name spoke volumes about his British countrymen. When...
Simon Pegg's deadpan take on the George Romero classic of a similar name spoke volumes about his British countrymen. When zombies come to life and start wreaking havoc, he and his video-gaming best mate are almost too blasé about life to notice. In fact it takes near-apocalypse for his character to appreciate his lot as he goes off in pursuit of his long-suffering girlfriend with a cricket bat for protection. A bloody good parody that poked fun at cinema's funniest monsters.
Where to watch Shaun of the Dead
Shaun of the Dead | Details
- Rating
- MA15+, for zombie violence/gore and language
- Runtime
- 99
- Genre
- Comedy, Horror
- Country of origin
- UK, France