As the Bond series turns 50, Daniel Craig returns for his third turn as 007, facing a new adversary played...
As the Bond series turns 50, Daniel Craig returns for his third turn as 007, facing a new adversary played by a sinister, blonde Javier Bardem. Directed by Sam Mendes (American Beauty). After a failed mission in Istanbul sees Bond shot and presumed killed, a file containing the identities of all undercover MI6 agents falls into unsafe hands. When the stolen intel leads to casualties and MI6 itself comes under attack, Bond reappears in London not fully recuperated but ready to track down those responsible.
Bond’s mission takes him to Shanghai, Macau and a mysterious abandoned island - as well as boasting a heavy dose of London-based action. It also involves revisiting his past and that of M (Judi Dench), who harbours a personal connection to Javier Bardem’s villain. Q is played by Ben Wishaw, and Eve Moneypenny by Naomie Harris. This is the 23rd Bond movie.
Where to watch Skyfall
Skyfall | Details
- Award winner
- Best Sound Editing at the Academy Awards 2013. Best Original Song ('Skyfall' by Adele and Paul Epworth) at the Academy Awards and Golden Globes 2013. Best British Film and Original Music, BAFTA Awards 2013.
- Rating
- M, for intense violent sequences throughout, some sexuality, language and smoking
- Runtime
- 143
- Genre
- Action, Thriller
- Country of origin