This much anticipated remake of the BBC TV series (of the same name), is a political thriller about a team...
This much anticipated remake of the BBC TV series (of the same name), is a political thriller about a team of investigative reporters who work alongside a police detective to solve the murder of a congressman's mistress.
A top notch cast includes Russell Crowe, Rachel McAdams, Ben Affleck and Helen Mirren. If that's not enough to blow your socks off, just look at the impressive bunch of people who made it... Director Kevin Macdonald (The Last King of Scotland) helms a scipt co-authored by Tony Gilroy (The Bourne Ultimatum), Matthew Michael Carnahan (The Kingdom) and Billy Ray (Shattered Glass). Shot by Rodrigo Prieto (Brokeback Mountain), produced by Tim Bevan (Atonement).
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State of Play | Details
- Runtime
- 132
- Genre
- Drama, Thriller
- Country of origin