Ethan Hawke takes Noomi Rapace hostage during a bank heist in this crime dramedy based on the events of the...
Ethan Hawke takes Noomi Rapace hostage during a bank heist in this crime dramedy based on the events of the 1973 hostage crisis in Stockholm.
"Hawke stars as Lars, a charming, bumbling, Bob Dylan-loving crook who storms into the Swedish capital’s mightiest money lender and confuses hostages and police alike with his bizarre demands — like requesting an accomplice and friend (Mark Strong) be released from prison to join him in his delinquency. As the hostages come to realise that Lars couldn’t hurt a fly, bank clerk Bianca (Rapace) and her fellow captives help him hatch a plan to prolong the standoff and escape with millions. " (Tribeca Film Festival)
Where to watch Stockholm
Stockholm | Details
- Rating
- CTC,
- Runtime
- 92
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama, True Story & Biography
- Country of origin
- USA, Canada