Sean Penn and Samantha Morton star in this comedic biopic from Woody Allen, focused on the life of fictional jazz...
Sean Penn and Samantha Morton star in this comedic biopic from Woody Allen, focused on the life of fictional jazz guitarist Emmett Ray. Both Penn and Morton earned Oscar nominations for their roles.
Emmet Ray (Penn), according to himself, was the greatest New York jazz guitarist of the 1920s and 1930s. Although Ray certainly had skill and a signature style, those who knew Ray best admit that perhaps he was best known in his extra-musical roles - as a pimp and a kleptomaniac whose fatal flaws hung over his career like a black cloud.
Sweet and Lowdown | Details
- Rating
- PG, Adult themes, Low level coarse language
- Runtime
- 95
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama, Music
- Country of origin