King of American animated comedy Seth MacFarlane (Family Guy) makes his cinematic debut with this R-rated comedy about one man...
King of American animated comedy Seth MacFarlane (Family Guy) makes his cinematic debut with this R-rated comedy about one man and his foul-mouthed teddy bear. Stars Mark Wahlberg and Mila Kunis.
John (Wahlberg) has an unusual best pal - his cherished teddy bear (voiced by MacFarlane) who came to life as the result of a childhood wish, has refused to leave his side ever since, and shares John's enthusiasm for smoking weed and watching Flash Gordon. But when John fears losing his long-time girlfriend Lori (Kunis), he attempts to rid himself of his slacker lifestyle and jump into adulthood, a decision that doesn’t bode well with Ted.
Meanwhile, a creepy father (Giovanni Ribisi, Avatar) and his demanding son express an unhealthy interest in the talking teddy bear…
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Ted | Details
- Rating
- MA15+, for crude and sexual content, pervasive language, and some drug use
- Runtime
- 106
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin