Starting life as a comic book, the four sewer-dwelling anthropomorphic turtles named after Renaissance artists have appeared as a toy...
Starting life as a comic book, the four sewer-dwelling anthropomorphic turtles named after Renaissance artists have appeared as a toy range, four live action movies in the '90s, and multiple animated TV series. This is their reboot, with Megan Fox as hottie reporter April O'Neil and Michael Bay (Transformers) serving as executive producer. The turtles are brought to life by motion-capture CGI.
Darkness has settled over New York City as the diabolical Shredder and his Foot Clan hold an iron grip on the police and politicians. Frustrated reporter O'Neil, trying to break out of the news-lite mode she's been stuck in, does her best to expose the Foot Clan. Little does O'Neil know she's on the verge of making an even bigger discovery when four mutant heroes take on the Clan during their first streetside mission.
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | Details
- Rating
- M, Action violence
- Runtime
- 101
- Genre
- Action, Adventure, Fantasy
- Country of origin