Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton reunite for the sixth Terminator film, ignoring the sequels following T2: Judgment Day. Tim Miller (Deadpool) directs, and...
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton reunite for the sixth Terminator film, ignoring the sequels following T2: Judgment Day. Tim Miller (Deadpool) directs, and James Cameron returns to the franchise to make his presence felt as producer and one of the writers.
A young woman in Mexico City, Dani (Natalia Reyes) is targeted for termination. As well as the shapeshifting Terminator in pursuit (Gabriel Luna), Dani has a time-traveling protector in the form of Grace (Mackenzie Davis). Fleeing from the seemingly unstoppable machine, the human pair encounters Sarah Connor (Hamilton), still reeling from the events that followed the second Terminator film, and soon another familiar, if slightly older, face will join them.
Where to watch Terminator: Dark Fate
Terminator: Dark Fate | Details
- Rating
- MA15+, Strong violence
- Runtime
- 128
- Genre
- Action, Science Fiction
- Country of origin