Erotic French thriller directed by, and starring, Mathieu Amalric (The Diving Bell and the Butterfly). When a married man's torrid...
Erotic French thriller directed by, and starring, Mathieu Amalric (The Diving Bell and the Butterfly). When a married man's torrid affair with his mistress turns to talk of murder, his life spirals out of control.
Within the confines of their blue hotel room, Julien (Amalric) enjoys kinky liasons with a married woman, and soon finds himself embroiled in a police investigation when their trysts spill over to have real world consequences. Screened in the Un Certain Regard section at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival.
The Blue Room | Details
- Rating
- M, Nudity and sex scenes
- Runtime
- 75
- Genre
- Drama, Thriller
- Country of origin
- France