Coming-of-age fantasy anime from the director of Summer Wars and Wolf Children about a lonely boy who discovers...
Coming-of-age fantasy anime from the director of Summer Wars and Wolf Children about a lonely boy who discovers a world of beasts. As he attempts to get home, one of the creatures becomes his spirit guide.
Kyuta, a misfortunate boy, lives on the streets of the human realm (Tokyo's Shibuya ward) and Kumatetsu, a lonesome beast, lives in the bakemono realm ("Shibutenmachi"). These worlds must not intersect, but one day, Kyuta stumbles upon an entry... With no family to call his own in the human world, he becomes the disciple of Kumatetsu. The stormy relationship between the beast and his young apprentice gradually grows stronger, overcoming their solitude.
Where to watch The Boy and the Beast
The Boy and the Beast | Details
- Rating
- PG, Mild animated violence and coarse language
- Runtime
- 119
- Genre
- Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Kids & Family
- Country of origin
- Japan