Sequel to 2009's The Collector, the new death-trap horror franchise from the minds behind Saw (parts 4 through 7). When Elena's friends take her to...
Sequel to 2009's The Collector, the new death-trap horror franchise from the minds behind Saw (parts 4 through 7). When Elena's friends take her to a secret party at an undisclosed location she becomes the latest victim of the vicious killer known as The Collector. He kidnaps and transports her to an abandoned hotel that's been transformed into his own private maze of torture and death.
Upon learning of his daughter's disappearance, Elena's wealthy dad hires a group of mercenaries to retrieve her. These mercenaries coerce Arkin, the only man to have escaped the grip of The Collector (in part one), to lead them through the gruesome labyrinth.
Where to watch The Collection
The Collection | Details
- Genre
- Horror, Thriller
- Country of origin