Romantic drama, set in post World War II Britain, about a High Court judge's wife (Rachel Weisz) who abandons her...
Romantic drama, set in post World War II Britain, about a High Court judge's wife (Rachel Weisz) who abandons her privileged life to embark on an affair with an Air Force pilot (Tom Hiddleston). Based on Terence Rattigan's play.
"Hester (Weisz) is the beautiful wife of judge Sir William Collyer (Simon Russell Beale), theirs is a companionable rather than a passionate marriage. When Hester meets a young ex-RAF pilot, Freddie (Hiddleston), she falls devastatingly in love with him, and to the shock of those around her she leaves her marriage to live with him in shabby lodgings. But as time passes, Hester comes to realise that the dashing but damaged Freddie is unable to return her all-consuming passion." (London Film Festival 2011)
Where to watch The Deep Blue Sea
The Deep Blue Sea | Details
- Rating
- M, for a scene of sexuality and nudity
- Runtime
- 98
- Genre
- Drama, Romance
- Country of origin
- UK