Two struggling families make the hardest decisions of their lives over the course of one meal in this thriller directed...
Two struggling families make the hardest decisions of their lives over the course of one meal in this thriller directed by Oscar-nominee Oren Moverman (The Messenger) and based on Herman Koch's bestseller. Nominated for the top prize at Berlin International Film Festival.
The Dinner invites us to a chic, exclusive restaurant with two seemingly successful couples - Paul and Claire Lohman (Steve Coogan and Laura Linney) and Paul’s politician brother Stan and his wife Katelyn (Richard Gere and Rebecca Hall). As the evening and each course progresses, their cracks as individuals begin to show and a dark secret about their children emerges. Now they must make the most difficult decision of their lives: do they do what's right or protect their children?
Where to watch The Dinner
The Dinner | Details
- Rating
- M, Mature themes and coarse language
- Runtime
- 121
- Genre
- Drama, Thriller
- Country of origin