Third the high-octane action franchise with an all new cast (aside from a brief Vin Diesel cameo), about a convicted...
Third the high-octane action franchise with an all new cast (aside from a brief Vin Diesel cameo), about a convicted street racer who attempts to start a new life in Tokyo but finds himself on a collision coars with the Japanese underworld. While Tokyo Drift is the third in the Fast and the Furious series, it would appear last chronologically.
Having found a home in illegal street racing, outcast Shaun Boswell (Lucas Black) finds himself in trouble with authorities and to avoid jail time, he is sent to live with his father in Tokyo. There he discovers drift racing (the way in which high-speed racers take corners on hair-pin heavy tracks). In a match-up against dangerous legend 'Drift King' Takashi (Brian Tee) he loses and winds up owing a big-ass debt. To pay it off, he must venture in the dark underbelly of Tokyo street racing.
Where to watch The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift | Details
- Rating
- M,
- Runtime
- 104
- Genre
- Action, Sport
- Country of origin