The fourth installment of the thriller series in which teens cheat death only to find themselves at constant risk of a grisly visit...
The fourth installment of the thriller series in which teens cheat death only to find themselves at constant risk of a grisly visit from the Grim Reaper. Presented in 3D in select theatres.
Nick is enjoying a day at the car races with his friends when he has an horrific premonition – a bizarre sequence of events leads to a massive car crash pile-up, the collapse of the spectator stand and death to everyone in it. Blessed with this warning, he leaves with friends before the tragedy strikes. But fate has other ideas - as death plays catch-up, creeping up on every survivor and ticking them off one by one.
Where to watch The Final Destination
The Final Destination | Details
- Runtime
- 82
- Genre
- Horror, Thriller
- Country of origin