Animated feature adaptation of Tsutomu Satō's light novel series of the same name, based specifically around the 10th and 11th...
Animated feature adaptation of Tsutomu Satō's light novel series of the same name, based specifically around the 10th and 11th volumes.
The seasons have changed and it will soon be the second spring. Tatsuya and Miyuki have finished their first year at First Magic High School and are on spring break at their villa on the Ogasawara Island archipelago. But after getting only a moment of peace, a lone young woman named Kokoa appears before them. She has abandoned the Naval base and she tells Tatsuya her one wish.
The Irregular at Magic High School - The Movie | Details
- Rating
- M, Animated violence and nudity
- Runtime
- 90
- Genre
- Action, Fantasy, Romance, Science Fiction
- Country of origin
- Japan