Set against the 2016 American election, Eugene Jarecki's (Reagan) documentary takes a musical road trip across the country in Elvis...
Set against the 2016 American election, Eugene Jarecki's (Reagan) documentary takes a musical road trip across the country in Elvis Presley's 1963 Rolls Royce.
"Forty years after the death of Elvis Presley, the new film from two-time Sundance Film Festival Grand Jury Prize-winner Eugene Jarecki takes the King’s 1963 Rolls-Royce on a musical road trip across the country Presley left behind. From the deep south to New York, Las Vegas, and beyond, a tapestry of luminaries and unknown Americans join the journey, expressing themselves in words and song." (Sundance Film Festival)
Where to watch The King (2017)
The King (2017) | Details
- Runtime
- 107
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin
- Germany, USA