The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

235 mins
Poster for The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
In the second chapter, the Fellowship has dispersed after an attack of Uruk-Hai. Frodo and Sam head south towards... More

Where to watch The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers is available... More to stream in Australia now on YouTube and Stan and Netflix and Google TV and Prime Video and Apple TV Store and Prime Video Store.

There is no screening information for this title.

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers | Ratings & Reviews

"The next instalment can't come soon enough."

Daily TelegraphDaily Telegraph

"I think this one might be the actual best of the franchise and it's all because of the Ents."

The SpinoffThe Spinoff

"What Jackson's storytelling lacks in coherency... he makes up for with a new-found sense of urgency and a richer blend of drama, humour and human emotion."

Herald SunHerald Sun

"An army of filmmakers led by the director, Peter Jackson, has made the trilogy's central section a ringing testament to the power of motion pictures."

Wall Street JournalWall Street Journal

"Part Two is easily as exciting, involving and visually inventive as Part One."

Total FilmTotal Film

"There is no letdown, no scrimping on spectacle, no dawdling over exposition."

New York Daily NewsNew York Daily News

"Unless you're up to speed on the story so far, part two of Tolkien's trilogy could be a baffling experience."

Sydney Morning HeraldSydney Morning Herald

"In size and scale, Jackson has redefined the word 'epic' - but his attention to the small things really gives this series its awesome stature."

Time OutTime Out

"A thrilling work of film craft."

Time MagazineTime Magazine

"The Two Towers is both a triumph of design and cinematic engineering and, at the same time, long, repetitious and naive."

The Globe and MailThe Globe and Mail

"An amazing feat of imagination."

New York PostNew York Post

"A few sloggy spots aside, The Two Towers is an outstanding effort that maintains the integrity and purpose that distinguished The Fellowship of the Ring."

San Francisco ChronicleSan Francisco Chronicle

"Peter Jackson, in the second instalment of his Lord of the Rings trilogy, has confounded expectations and crafted a film that's both livelier and darker than the first one."

Seattle TimesSeattle Times

"Gollum is the first believable CG character, while the battle of Helm's Deep is one of the finest, most expansive combat sequences ever filmed."


"As with the first film, this one also leaves you wanting hours more once those end credits begin flashing across the screen."

Film ThreatFilm Threat

"A visual pageant of sorcery and action, all but surpasses The Fellowship of the Ring."

Entertainment WeeklyEntertainment Weekly

"A very watchable, distinctive, if over-extended FX spectacular. Nothing more."

The GuardianThe Guardian

"Jackson has steered the story into the action mainstream. To do what he has done in this film must have been awesomely difficult, and he deserves applause, but to remain true to Tolkien would have been more difficult, and braver."

Roger EbertRoger Ebert

"What strikes one more than anything in Towers is the material's dreamlike quality, from Frodo falling into the Dead Marshes and the way Gollum slithers on all fours to the massive black gates of Mordor and Gandalf's climactic charge on Shadowfax — the lord of all horses — down a very steep hill."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

"The Two Towers, shot at the same time as Part I and Part III, is spectacular in every sense of the word, even if you don’ t know an Orc from a Uruk-Hai."

Rolling StoneRolling Stone

"With all three “Rings” episodes filmed back to back in one monstrous 15-month shoot, “Towers” easily lives up to and frequently exceeds the high technical standards set by the first film."


The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers | Details

Award winner
Best Sound Editing, Visual Effects; Academy Awards 2003
M, for epic battle sequences and scary images
Adventure, Fantasy
Country of origin
USA, New Zealand

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers | Trailers