True-life drama about Col. Percival Fawcett (Charlie Hunnam), a British explorer who disappeared while searching for a mysterious Amazonian city...
True-life drama about Col. Percival Fawcett (Charlie Hunnam), a British explorer who disappeared while searching for a mysterious Amazonian city in the 1920s. Written and directed by four-time Palme d'Or nominee James Gray (Two Lovers).
"James Gray's emotionally and visually resplendent epic tells the story of Lieutenant Colonel Percy Fawcett, the British military-man-turned-explorer whose search for a lost city deep in the Amazon grows into an increasingly feverish, decades-long magnificent obsession that takes a toll on his reputation, his home life with his wife (Sienna Miller) and children, and his very existence." (New York Film Festival)
Where to watch The Lost City of Z
The Lost City of Z | Details
- Rating
- M, Mature themes, violence and coarse language
- Runtime
- 141
- Genre
- Action, Adventure, Drama, True Story & Biography
- Country of origin