Korea's highest grossing film of 2010 is an action thriller about a mysterious stranger who offers help to a...
Korea's highest grossing film of 2010 is an action thriller about a mysterious stranger who offers help to a young girl after her drugged up, stripper mum angers the local gangsters.
"South Korea has yet another dominating presence in the action-thriller stakes. The title character is a humble, mysterious stranger who goes about his business quietly. His only human connection is with a troubled young girl, whose drugged-up stripper mum has pissed off the local gangsters. Sound familiar? Well, put all your prejudices aside and tighten that seatbelt, as nothing will prepare you for how wildly entertaining and terrifically exciting this ride becomes. The relationships between the protagonist and his opponents are further complicated by a cast of heavies so charismatically compelling that when the unavoidable match-up finally occurs and the screen is crimson, you will surprise yourself by standing up in the cinema and letting out an almighty 'Hell, yeah!'." (Source: NZ International Film Festival 2011)
The Man from Nowhere | Details
- Runtime
- 119
- Genre
- Action, Thriller
- Country of origin
- South Korea