Following British farmer Steve Hook over four years, documentary The Moo Man explores Hook’s deep love for a vanishing way...
Following British farmer Steve Hook over four years, documentary The Moo Man explores Hook’s deep love for a vanishing way of life and his gamble to save his family farm by severing ties with the world of mass-produced dairy products.
Abandoning the futility of selling milk for less than it costs to produce and a bigger-is-better farming ethos, Hook instead elects to keep his farm small and his relationship with his customers close. The result is a juggling act between selling unpasteurised milk door-to-door, a local farmers' market, and managing the problems inherent in managing 55 unruly cows.
Where to watch The Moo Man
The Moo Man | Details
- Rating
- PG,
- Runtime
- 90
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin
- UK