In 1925, Kitty (Naomi Watts) is an upper class socialite closing in on an age at which it would simply...
In 1925, Kitty (Naomi Watts) is an upper class socialite closing in on an age at which it would simply be unacceptable not to be married. She accepts a proposal from a bacteriologist, Dr. Walter Fane (Edward Norton), and the pair move to Shanghai. In this colonial society, Kitty is introduced to English Vice Counsul Charles Townsend (Liev Schreiber), and begins an adulterous affair with him.
When Walter finds out about this, he decides to accept a job in a remote Chinese village ravaged by the Cholera epidemic, and takes Kitty with him as vengeange. Here, however, both spouses find a new purpose, and find themselves rediscovering each other in true romantic fashion.
When Walter finds out about this, he decides to accept a job in a remote Chinese village ravaged by the Cholera epidemic, and takes Kitty with him as vengeange. Here, however, both spouses find a new purpose, and find themselves rediscovering each other in true romantic fashion.
The Painted Veil | Details
- Award winner
- Winner of Golden Globe for best original score 2007
- Runtime
- 125
- Genre
- Drama, Romance
- Country of origin
- USA, China