An enigmatic European factory worker called Hanna drifts through her day with her hearing aid switched off to avoid connecting...
An enigmatic European factory worker called Hanna drifts through her day with her hearing aid switched off to avoid connecting with the world. Forced to take a break by her supervisor after ten years of working without a vacation, Hanna finds another job as a nurse on an oil rig. Her sole patient is a flirtatious, life-loving burns victim, played by Tim Robbins in charismatic form. As Hanna gradually adjusts to her new surroundings, finding kindred spirits among the oil rig's eccentric and isolated crew, her shell begins to crack.
The Secret Life of Words | Details
- Award winner
- Lina Mangiacapre Award winner at Venice Film Festival 2005.
- Rating
- M,
- Runtime
- 115
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- Spain