The Shining

142 mins
Poster for The Shining

Stanley Kubrick's masterful horror adaptation of Stephen King's novel. Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson) has writer's block. So he and his... More

Where to watch The Shining

The Shining is now playing in 10 cinemas in Australia.... More The Shining is available to stream in Australia now on YouTube and Google TV and Apple TV Store and Prime Video Store.

The Shining | Ratings & Reviews

"(Kubrick) manages to make his movie thoroughly unnerving by keeping the horror so close to home."

The New York TimesThe New York Times

"The movie is not about ghosts but about madness and the energies it sets loose in an isolated situation primed to magnify them."

Roger EbertRoger Ebert

"Kubrick has teamed with jumpy Jack Nicholson to destroy all that was so terrifying about Stephen King's bestseller."


"Deeply scary and strange."

The GuardianThe Guardian

"Essential viewing. Prepare to be disturbed."

Little White LiesLittle White Lies

"The classic Stanley Kubrick film isn't just scary - it is also, in its own odd way, defined by a hopeful perspective on life and death."


"A masterpiece."

Time OutTime Out

"The incredibly slack narrative line forestalls suspense."

Chicago ReaderChicago Reader

"Ostensibly a haunted house story, it manages to traverse a complex world of incipient madness, spectral murder and supernatural visions... and also makes you jump."

Empire MagazineEmpire Magazine

"It's the experience more so than the actual content of The Shining that radiates cold, anti-humanly indifferent terror."

Slant MagazineSlant Magazine

"Kubrick has made a movie that will have to be reckoned with on the highest level."

Time MagazineTime Magazine

"Kubrick doesn't dumb it down or anything, but he's not actively trying to appeal only to film connoisseurs either. If any of his movies could be called mainstream, it's this one."

Film ThreatFilm Threat

"Its artful ambiguities are immersive. Check in."

Total FilmTotal Film

"I can't recall a more elaborately ineffective scare movie."

The Washington PostThe Washington Post

"Boy will it chill your blood."


The Shining | Details

MA15+, Strong violence, Horror theme
Horror, Thriller
Country of origin

The Shining | Trailers