As the 2011 Egyptian Revolution unfolds, this Netflix documentary - nominated for the Best Documentary Oscar - chronicles the drama of...
As the 2011 Egyptian Revolution unfolds, this Netflix documentary - nominated for the Best Documentary Oscar - chronicles the drama of young people on the streets of Cairo claiming their rights and struggling through multiple forces: from the army dictatorship willing to crush protesters, to a corrupt Muslim Brotherhood using mosques to manipulate voters and creating a society of conscience. As two governments topple, the personal stories of the freedom fighters unfold in "a tribute to the power of citizenship".
The Square (2013) | Details
- Award winner
- Amnesty International Film Prize winner at Berlin Film Festival 2014; Audience Award winner (Documentary) at Sundance Film Festival 2013; People's Choice Award winner at Toronto Film Festival 2013
- Rating
- MA15+, Strong violence, coarse language
- Runtime
- 108
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin
- Egypt, USA