An urban teen (Devery Jacobs) encounters a mystical hunter (Duane Howard, The Revenant) in this debut feature shot in Canada’s...
An urban teen (Devery Jacobs) encounters a mystical hunter (Duane Howard, The Revenant) in this debut feature shot in Canada’s remote Northwest Territory.
"For teenager Lia (Jacobs), the only way to truly find herself is to get lost. Lia's father sends the sullen teen to visit her grandmother in a pocket-sized First Nations community in sub-Arctic Canada. With her pink hair, faux fur coat and a dusting of attitude, Lia is immediately a fish out of water. She runs away, stealing a canoe to try and paddle back to the city, but gets lost in the wilds of her ancestral country. A chance meeting with an older hunter, Alfred (Howard) leads to an unusual mentorship. Alfred is obsessed with finding a lost herd of caribou, and Lia joins him on a semi-spiritual journey to find the missing herd – and also herself." (Sydney Film Festival)
The Sun at Midnight | Details
- Rating
- M, Mature themes and coarse language
- Runtime
- 93
- Genre
- Adventure, Drama
- Country of origin
- Canada