In this crime drama based on the 1970s TV series, Ray Winstone (Sexy Beast), Damien Lewis (TV's Homeland) and Ben...
In this crime drama based on the 1970s TV series, Ray Winstone (Sexy Beast), Damien Lewis (TV's Homeland) and Ben Drew (Brit rapper 'Plan B') star as part of an elite police unit. Winstone is Regan - a hard-assed Flying Squad detective with an unconventional approach to coppering, on a personal mission to take an old nemesis off the streets. But with bureaucracy and downsizing getting in the way of his particular brand of law enforcement, will Regan get his man before the changing police force gets him?
A play on Sweeney Todd, the title derives from the cockney rhyming-slang nickname for the Flying Squad, a branch of London’s Metropolitan Police first set up in the 1920s to tackle armed robbery and violent crime.
Where to watch The Sweeney
The Sweeney | Details
- Rating
- MA15+, for violence and language throughout and some sexual content
- Runtime
- 111
- Genre
- Action, Drama
- Country of origin
- UK