Considered one of film's greatest thrillers, this British mystery follows an American pulp novelist (Joseph Cotton) who travels to shadowy...
Considered one of film's greatest thrillers, this British mystery follows an American pulp novelist (Joseph Cotton) who travels to shadowy post-WWII Vienna and becomes embroiled in an investigation into the murder of his friend and back-market purveyor, Harry Lime (Orson Welles). Grand Prize winner at Cannes 1949, and Best Cinematography winner at the Oscars for its expressionist, black and white photography. The Third Man was named the best British film of the 20th Century by the British Film Institute in 1999.
Where to watch The Third Man
The Third Man | Details
- Award winner
- Best British Film, 1950 BAFTA Awards. Best Cinematography (Black and White) Oscar, 1951 Academy Awards. Grand Prize winner, Cannes Film Festival 1949.
- Rating
- PG,
- Runtime
- 104
- Genre
- Thriller
- Country of origin
- UK