David Gulpilil is a man enlisted to track down an Aboriginal murderer in this chilling Australian Outback-set crime drama from...
David Gulpilil is a man enlisted to track down an Aboriginal murderer in this chilling Australian Outback-set crime drama from Rolf de Heer (Ten Canoes).
Somewhere in Australia in the early 20th century outback, an Aboriginal man is accused of murdering a white woman. Three white men are on a mission to capture him with the help of an experienced Indigenous man.
Where to watch The Tracker (2002)
The Tracker (2002) | Details
- Award winner
- Winner of the SIGNIS Award - Honorable Mention (de Heer), 2002 Venice Film Festival
- Rating
- M, Moderate themes and violence
- Runtime
- 90
- Genre
- Drama, Western
- Country of origin
- Australia