A French nature documentary on the creatures that inhabit the North Pole. With unsettling facts about the melting landmass...
A French nature documentary on the creatures that inhabit the North Pole. With unsettling facts about the melting landmass (in 30 years, the Antarctic has lost nearly two times the surface area of France), the footage has been captured on celluloid by intrepid outdoor specialists Thierry Ragobert and Thierry Piantanida.
The film boasts amazing set pieces such as the birth of two polar bears and their first tentative steps outside three months later. Also featured are the amazing narwhals (walruses with strange unicorn-style spears), primitive glowing entities under the ice, and armies of caribou on the march.
The White Planet | Details
- Runtime
- 82
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin
- Canada, France