Comedy writer-director-producer Judd Apatow's "sort-of sequel" to Knocked Up, with Paul Rudd and Leslie Mann battling the complexities of marriage, parenthood...
Comedy writer-director-producer Judd Apatow's "sort-of sequel" to Knocked Up, with Paul Rudd and Leslie Mann battling the complexities of marriage, parenthood and middle age. Co-stars Melissa McCarthy, John Lithgow, Megan Fox, Jason Segel, Lena Dunham and Chris O'Dowd.
Knocked Up introduced Pete (Rudd) and Debbie (Mann) as the jaded faces of parenthood. Years later the couple are approaching 40 and life continues to throw up complications - Debbie's in denial about her age, Pete's music business is failing, and their two daughters grow increasingly annoying. As the pair bicker their way through the problems, cracks in their relationship begin to show.
Pete and Debbie's two daughters are played by Apatow and Mann's real-life kids, Maude and Iris.
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This Is 40 | Details
- Rating
- MA15+, for sexual content, crude humor, pervasive language and some drug material
- Runtime
- 133
- Genre
- Comedy, Romance
- Country of origin