Apocalyptic comedy following the fate of Seth Rogen, Michael Cera, Jonah Hill, Danny McBride, James Franco, Craig Robinson and other...
Apocalyptic comedy following the fate of Seth Rogen, Michael Cera, Jonah Hill, Danny McBride, James Franco, Craig Robinson and other celebs (playing unflattering versions of themselves) as the end of days strikes in the heart of Hollywood. Directed and written by Rogen alongside his Pineapple Express collaborator Evan Goldberg, and based on the short film Jay and Seth vs The Apocalypse made by Rogen and Jay Baruchel in 2007.
When Jay flies into L.A. to hang out with pal Seth he doesn't expect more than a few days of smoking weed and playing video games. Avowedly anti-Hollywood, the last place Jay wants to be is at James Franco's house for a party, but he soon finds himself barricaded inside fearing for his life alongside Seth, James, Jonah, Craig and Danny as earthquakes and fires strike the city, celebs bite the dust and strange beasts prowl the streets. To survive, the group will have to unite, pooling their resources (water, drugs, pornography) and putting aside their selfishness for the greater good.
Where to watch This Is the End
This Is the End | Details
- Rating
- MA15+, Strong crude humour, coarse language, sexual references, comedic violence, nudity and drug use
- Runtime
- 106
- Genre
- Action, Comedy
- Country of origin