In this mysterious sci-fi feature debut by Nacho Vigalondo, an unassuming man finds himself on the run from a crazed...
In this mysterious sci-fi feature debut by Nacho Vigalondo, an unassuming man finds himself on the run from a crazed attacker and dealing with the complexities of time loops after inadvertently hiding in an operational time machine.
Hector (Karra Elejalde) dodges domestic chores and instead uses binoculars to have a harmless perve at a topless woman behind his wife's back. When Hector's curiosity gets the better of him, he's attacked by a masked assailant. Taking refuge in a liquid-filled pod, events take a further turn towards the mind-boggling when Hector realises it is actually a machine that has sent him back in time by several hours.
Soon things become even more complicated as Timecrimes takes Hector through a complex tale of duplicates, paradox avoidance and other easily-spoiled subject matter.
Where to watch Timecrimes
Timecrimes | Details
- Rating
- M,
- Runtime
- 88
- Genre
- Action, Adventure, Science Fiction, Thriller
- Country of origin
- Spain