The third spin-off movie featuring Disney's teeny-weeny fairy from the world of Peter Pan. Playing exclusively at Event Cinemas from...
The third spin-off movie featuring Disney's teeny-weeny fairy from the world of Peter Pan. Playing exclusively at Event Cinemas from August 5.
In The Great Fairy Rescue, Tink (voiced by Mae Whitman) meets a human for the first time – before she was ever introduced to Wendy and the Lost Boys. The human is Lizzy, a little girl with a steadfast belief in the power of pixie dust and the magic land of fairies despite a serious-minded scientist father (Michael Sheen).
Thinking her lost, Tinker Bell's fellow fairies launch a daring rescue mission. But Tinker launches a mission of her own – putting her own safety at risk to help her new friend. When the rescue goes awry, the future of all fairykind hangs in the balance.
Where to watch Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue
Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue | Details
- Rating
- G,
- Runtime
- 76
- Genre
- Fantasy
- Country of origin