From director Danny Boyle (127 Hours, Trainspotting), a psychological thriller following fine art auctioneer Simon (James McAvoy) who teams with...
From director Danny Boyle (127 Hours, Trainspotting), a psychological thriller following fine art auctioneer Simon (James McAvoy) who teams with a criminal gang (led by Vincent Cassel) to steal a valuable Goya painting. When the audacious heist goes wrong and Simon forgets where he stashed the artwork, they turn to a hypnotherapist (Rosario Dawson) to help him remember. Deep in his jumbled psyche the boundaries between reality and hypnotic suggestion blur.
Where to watch Trance (2013)
Trance (2013) | Details
- Rating
- MA15+, contains strong themes, violence, nudity and sex scenes
- Runtime
- 100
- Genre
- Drama, Thriller
- Country of origin
- UK