Animated musical centered around the plush specialty toys, with Kelly Clarkson and Pitbull lending their voices. Kelly Asbury (Shrek 2)...
Animated musical centered around the plush specialty toys, with Kelly Clarkson and Pitbull lending their voices. Kelly Asbury (Shrek 2) directs.
After traveling to the other side of a mountain, Moxy (Clarkson) and her UglyDoll friends discover Perfection, a town where more conventional dolls receive training before entering the real world to find the love of a child. Soon, the UglyDolls learn what it means to be different - ultimately realising that they don't have to be perfect to be amazing.
Where to watch UglyDolls
UglyDolls | Details
- Rating
- G, Very mild themes and animated violence
- Runtime
- 87
- Genre
- Kids & Family, Musical
- Country of origin