
90 mins
Poster for Unhinged

Oscar-winning actor Russell Crowe catches a deadly case of road rage in this psychological thriller, choosing to relentlessly pursue a... More

Where to watch Unhinged

Unhinged is available to stream in Australia now on YouTube... More and Stan and Google TV and Apple TV Store and Prime Video Store.

There is no screening information for this title.

Unhinged | Ratings & Reviews

"Unhinged is mainly about the abhorrent spectacle of Crowe’s one-dimensional cartoon madman unleashing calculated terror on Caren Pistorius, who puts up a plucky fight as a struggling mother in his crosshairs after a minor lapse in road etiquette. Director Derrick Borte speeds through each lurid set-piece with lean, workmanlike kineticism, and the film is at its most engagingly junky when it’s Crowe being—yes, unhinged—behind the wheel of a 4×4 ute. The Jigsaw-style maniac-with-a-masterplan stuff where he’s playing Russian roulette with Pistorius’ contact list is less persuasive."


"Look, my tolerance for on-screen violence has certainly increased over many years of high exposure - John Wick I'm looking at you - but beware the sudden shocking explosions of brutality here won't be for everyone and will either add or substantially detract from the viewing experience."


"Dressed heavy-set, Crowe is all grimaces and frowns in disgust at everything around him. His only emotional note is all ANGRY, resulting in a parody of his own performances. It’s Crowe on overdrive, and it’s horrible."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

"The car chases should be the escapist, high-octane fun part of the movie. But fun is in short supply in a picture which is fuelled by a full tank of ill-will and fury."

Screen DailyScreen Daily

"The carnage is the point here, not any of the reasoning behind it, and Borte and Crowe bring it to a suitably frothing, furious head: Some movies just want to watch the world burn, preferably on a very big screen."


"In spite of what may seem like a direct-to-VOD vibe, this is a slick, nasty thriller with a throwback quality, neither too self-serious nor too self-aware. While it’s not especially fresh, it’s still solid genre filmmaking."

Empire MagazineEmpire Magazine

"“I’m always going to be inside your head,” growls Crowe. Maybe not, but this fast, brutal chase-fest is trashy fun while it lasts."

Total FilmTotal Film

"Crowe’s satisfyingly nasty turn deserves a bit more brains to go with the brawn."

Time OutTime Out

"As a psychothriller, it gives itself one simple assignment – to set your heart rate pounding through the roof. And on this level, with a lurid voltage that might require health warnings, it nastily delivers."

The TelegraphThe Telegraph

"Dressed heavy-set, Crowe is all grimaces and frowns in disgust at everything around him. His only emotional note is all ANGRY, resulting in a parody of his own performances. It’s Crowe on overdrive, and it’s horrible."


"This violence-soaked Duel-meets-Falling-Down by way of every 1990s stalker-slasher movie cliche you can think of, is nasty, brutish and not nearly short enough."


Unhinged | Details

R, Strong themes, violence and coarse language
Country of origin

Unhinged | Trailers