Award-winning German comedy-drama about Vincent (played by the film's writer Florian David Fitz), a sufferer of Tourette’s syndrome, who escapes from...
Award-winning German comedy-drama about Vincent (played by the film's writer Florian David Fitz), a sufferer of Tourette’s syndrome, who escapes from a rehab clinic with his two friends - an obsessive-compulsive and an anorexic.
Full with a road-tripping sense of freedom, they steal a doctor's car and escape to Italy so Vincent can fulfil his mother’s final wish: to lay her ashes to rest.
Vincent Wants To Sea | Details
- Award winner
- Winner of Best Film and Best Actor (David Fitz) at the German Film Awards 2011.
- Runtime
- 96
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama
- Country of origin
- Germany