The voice of John Hurt stars in this 1978 animated British adventure-thriller. Based on the children's novel of the same...
The voice of John Hurt stars in this 1978 animated British adventure-thriller. Based on the children's novel of the same name by Richard Adams, Watership Down tells the story of a brave group of displaced rabbits in search of a new home.
When a young rabbit named Fiver (Richard Briers) has a prophetic vision that the end of his warren is near, he persuades a group led by himself, Bigwig (Michael Graham Cox), Blackberry (Simon Cadell) and Hazel (Hurt) to leave with him in search of a new home. Several obstacles stand in their way, including predators, a rat-filled cemetery and a speeding river. Upon arriving at their final destination, a hill dubbed Watership Down, the rabbits find that their journey is still far from over.
Where to watch Watership Down
Watership Down | Details
- Rating
- PG,
- Runtime
- 101
- Genre
- Adventure, Drama, Kids & Family
- Country of origin
- UK