Low-budget drama set in Auckland, following a random collection of characters all connected via a bizarre video project. Features Morgana...
Low-budget drama set in Auckland, following a random collection of characters all connected via a bizarre video project. Features Morgana O’Reilly, a Florian Habicht cameo and music by Golden Axe.
"Frank, a Rwandan taxi driver stunned by the disappearance of his wife, sees nothing else to do but carry on driving. Meanwhile, Moses, his solemn 14-year-old son, is obsessively creating an artwork that entails a lot of time in the bathroom.
"An eye-popping cameo from Florian Habicht exemplifies the film’s rude energy and sly disengagement from the mainstream. And its picture of the Auckland CBD as an aggregation of inane giant billboards is a hard one to shake." (New Zealand International Film Festival)