"Fashioned as a tongue-in-cheek murder mystery, this documentary looks at the rise and swift demise of the electric car in...
"Fashioned as a tongue-in-cheek murder mystery, this documentary looks at the rise and swift demise of the electric car in mid-90s California. Sleek, compact and environmentally sound, the prototype EV-1 electric car was developed by GM. But by the end of the decade, the sole remaining EV-1 was a novelty item in a motor museum. As in all od murder conspiracies, the suspects - General Motors, oil companies, the US vernment and consumers - all end up with blood on their hands. A timely reminder that we have the technology to save the world, if only that were the aim of those in charge." (Tribeca Film Festival)
Where to watch Who Killed The Electric Car?
Who Killed The Electric Car? | Details
- Rating
- PG, for brief mild language
- Runtime
- 92
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin