Ben Stiller (also writer and director), Owen Wilson and Will Ferrell star as male model morons in this comedy set in...
Ben Stiller (also writer and director), Owen Wilson and Will Ferrell star as male model morons in this comedy set in the world of fashion. Derek Zoolander (Stiller) is VH1's three-time model of the year, but his crown is threatened with the arrival of Hansel (Wilson) - "he's so hot right now". Upon retirement, the fashion guru Mugatu (Ferrell) seizes the opportunity to brainwash the down-and-out Derek, turning him into a killing machine. His target: the Prime Minister of Malaysia.
Where to watch Zoolander
Zoolander | Details
- Rating
- M, for sexual content and drug references
- Runtime
- 89
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin