Capsule reviews: The Matrix, Our Time and Three Monkeys

The Matrix (1999)
A better superhero movie than the many which followed it, Lana and Lilly Wachowski’s sci-fi action flick mastered a self-contained world where machines have enslaved humans, reality is bent by heroic destiny, and Keanu Reeves arises.
Our Time (2018)
The line between creator and fiction blurs in this lengthy but often engrossing study of marital infidelity. Mexican filmmaker Carlos Reygadas and his wife, film editor Natalia Lopez, play ranch owners whose connection is fractured by an outsider amidst unexpected sequences that tug at the movie’s rich subconscious.
Three Monkeys (2008)
Unfolding with remarkable economy, Nuri Bilge Ceylan’s Turkish drama tracks the shockwaves that resonate after a powerful businessman (Ercan Kesal) asks his driver (Yavuz Bingol) to take the blame and jail time for his crime. The reward never matches the underlying damage, and there’s a tragic completeness to their fractured bargain.