Introducing The Cage Gauge: every Nicolas Cage movie, ranked

Haven’t experienced The Cage Gauge yet? Lived, you have not. Flicks has launched one epic ranked list of every single Nic Cage movie, numbering 105 in total. Click here to enter The Cage Gauge.

The project is described by its writer and creator, film critic Luke Buckmaster, as a work of “celebration and excavation,” revisiting all the prolific actor’s films and assessing them by the unique elements that make Cage one of cinema’s most original and distinctive actors.

With 105 films watched and profiled, including numerous hard-to-track down releases, the initiative totals more than 18,000 words and launched in March, 2022.  It’s continually updated upon the release of every new Nicolas Cage movie, the latest addition being Dream Scenario (added in December, 2023).

“The core philosophy underlying The Cage Gauge is that every Nicolas Cage movie is worth watching—because every Nicolas Cage movie has Nicolas Cage in it,” says Buckmaster.

“Cage’s collection of films represents one of the most substantial and eclectic contributions to cinema from any actor in history. Cage is such a powerful actor he challenges the deeply entrenched auteur system, effectively becoming a co-author of his films.”

Continues Buckmaster: “The Cage Gauge orders his work not by judging what Cage’s ‘best’ films are, but which films best reflect and enable the performative qualities that make Cage such a well-loved actor. Ranking his work in such a way is an inherently subjective exercise. The point is ultimately to celebrate his work, in its many forms.”