Von Trier’s ‘Nymphomaniac’ Premiere; Urban on ‘Dredd 2’ and more movie news

Trust Nordisk reports that Denmark are playing hosts to the debut of Lars von Trier’s potentially X-rated Nymphomaniac in December before its domestic theatrical release on the 25th. Yep, that’s Christmas day.

Peter Aalbæk Jensen, CEO of Zentropa Entertainment: “Seeing the film’s visual effects will be a significant part of the storytelling, we’re facing a huge post-production phase and currently Lars has just begun editing PART II. So December is a good month. Besides, what’s more Christmassy than a film like this?”

Ho ho ho.

Perhaps the only thing more awesome than that piece of news is the promotional image released above showing the ensemble cast (click on the image to expand). Things of note: Mia Goth’s well-placed foot over Stellan Skarsgård’s junk and Jamie Bell holding a roll of paper towels, not looking all that enthused about what he might have to clean up.

Karl Urban Hopeful for ‘Dredd 2’

In a recent interview with Collider, Kiwi star Karl Urban says that a sequel to last year’s kick-ass action sci-fi Dredd is “not off the agenda,” just yet.

“Interestingly enough, I did have breakfast with Alex Garland this morning.  It’s not off the agenda.  Clearly everyone has woken up to the fact that an audience has found this movie and loves it.  It’s entirely possible, and if people want to see another installment then they should be vocal about that, because, it can happen.  The power of fandom can resurrect projects.  In fact, that’s what happened with Star Trek.  They weren’t going to do a third season until fans did a letter writing campaign and they continued that series.”

He’s such a geek, and we love him so.

Stallone wants to raid ‘The Raid’

@TheSlyStallone has quite the twitchy Twitter trigger finger (try saying that five times really fast). Amongst the confirmation of Mickey Rourke’s return, the sort-of confirmation of Wesley Snipe’s involvement and his determination to get Jackie Chan on board, Stallone also shows his desire to raid The Raid‘s action accolades with The Expendables 3.

Hey, it’s good to have goals, and you’ve got to admire Stallone’s passion for achieving the best he can for his film. And even if he manages to be almost as good as the Indonesian martial arts shoot-em-up, that will be a hell of an improvement over the other two Expendables films.

‘Fast & Furious’ to be spoofed

Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer, the comedic geniuses behind Epic Movie, Meet the Spartans and Vampires Suck, are preparing to parody the Fast & Furious franchise with Superfast!, says The Wrap.

It’ll probably involve some timely references to Justin Bieber, Harry Potter and other popular things from five years ago. It might even have cars in it.

We actually don’t know. We just read the headline and thought you oughtta be warned.