News: Nic Cage wins Best Global Actor, Ford’s chat about Blade Runner 2 and a clip from new Toy Story short

Oscar-winning actor and walking internet meme Nicolas Cage was honoured as the Best Global Actor in China’s 2013 Huading Awards.  According to the Huffington Post, the actor has recently been shooting stunt director Nick Powell’s feature debut Outcast alongside Hayden Christensen, an action film about “a mysterious warrior [who] teams up with the daughter and son of a deposed Chinese Emperor to defeat their cruel Uncle, who seeks their deaths.”

This award comes off the back of Cage’s previous bombs Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, Drive Angry, Season of the WitchBangkok Dangerous and Stolen. He also provided his voice for The Croods.

Harrison Ford has talked about returning to Blade Runner

With the necessity of its existence heavily debated, a sequel to Ridley Scott’s masterful sci-fi Blade Runner still remains up in the air. That hasn’t stopped the director from talking with his main man Harrison Ford about reprising his role as Deckard, who admitted to IGN that they “chatted about it.”

WikiLeaks founder’s open letter to Cumberbatch

Julian Assange, founder of the controversial WikiLeaks and subject of the upcoming biopic The Fifth Estate, has written an open letter to Benedict Cumberbatch, the Sherlock and Star Trek Into Darkness actor who portrays him in the new film. In the letter, which you can read over at Deadline, Assange pays respect to the actor before expressing how The Fifth Estate “is not a good film,” “is based on a deceitful book by someone who has a vendetta against [him],” and “it does not seek to simplify, clarify or distil the truth, but rather it seeks to bury it.”

You can judge for yourself when The Fifth Estate opens in cinemas November 14.

First clip from new Toy Story short

Pixar’s next Toy Story short Toy Story of Terror! is almost ready for its US television debut, and Disney has treated the internet to a clip which has Pricklepants stealing the scene with a killer line. This falls in line with the news that Disney has chopped 100 staff from Pixar Canada in Vancouver (via Variety). Check it out:

Tom Hanks: The Movie

YouTube never ceases to amuse us, and one such amusing video that has been making the viral rounds is this “trailer” for Tom Hanks: The Movie. Have a giggle: