Wanna be awesome? Help Candlelit Pictures make their 35mm short film

Candlelit Pictures last short film Runaways screened in the official selection of the prestigious American Film Institute Festival in Hollywood last year. This year, they’re trying to go back to the same festival with Hold Your Breath – but they need help to make the film before they can even submit it.

Hold Your Breath – Pledge Me from Candlelit Pictures on Vimeo.

Hold Your Breath is about a woman named Ann who has just two days of freedom before she’s incarcerated for at least a decade. The film is a reckless adventure in the South Island, where Ann attempts to make such potent, vivid memories, that she might be sustained by them through her time in prison. The film aims to inspire its audience with the question ‘What would you do if you only had two days?’ It’s a meditation on memory and youth – and appropriately, they’re running out of time to make it.

Peter Jackson’s company Park Road Post, along with Queenstown Camera Company, ImageZone, and the Wallace Arts Trust – have all come on board to support the film already, roughly to the value of $50k, however almost all of this sponsorship is in the form of gear – so we still need money to pay for everything else you need to make a film (gear, flights, shooting on location, lighting, props – and all the other things you can see on the screen!). If we can’t get the film shot by the end of June, Park Road will close its film processing lab (which is the last one in Australasia) – and their window to make the last short film shot on 35mm in New Zealand will have closed.

Their goal is to reach $10,000 in the next week. Support has been high, having surpassed half that goal in less than 24 hours. You can be awesome and help them get over the finish line (as well as scoring some nifty ‘Thank You’ gifts) by going to the sponsor page here.