Where can I stream all The Terminator movies in Australia?

James Cameron’s wildly popular The Terminator introduced us to the terrifying concept of a future rules by robots—merciless killers made of computers and steel, with only one human rebel able to destroy them.
Now that we’re living in that bleak automated future, it’s hard to have quite so much faith in robo-intelligence—their screens and algorithms can’t even organise all the Terminator films into one simple platform. Here’s where Aussie audiences can screen each of the films in this unforgettable apocalyptic vision.
1984’s original The Terminator film can only be rented or bought on demand, via services such as the Prime Video store, Google Play, and Apple TV. Still a contender for the finest action movie of all time, Terminator 2: Judgment Day can be seen by BINGE or Foxtel Now subscribers.
Those services are also home to threequel Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, and 21st century add-ons Terminator: Salvation and the miserable Terminator: Genisys. Weirdly, though, Rise of the Machines, Salvation, and Genisys are all available on Stan too, whilst Genisys is the only Terminator film available on Netflix. How unfair.
As for the most recent addition to this overly complex series, improvement Terminator: Dark Fate can be rented or bought on demand or streamed as part of your Disney+ subscription: another weird outlier in an unpredictable-to-watch series of sci-fi hits.
What a tangled web of technology—almost as complicated as the frequently retconned and rebooted apocalyptic timeline of the films. You might just have time to get it straight before another doomed sequel is announced.